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How to extend your laptop’s life

Laptops are delicate pieces of machinery and need to be used very cautiously. Any neglect or impropriety can reduce your laptop’s performance and make it futile in the long run. Today, we present you a few tips that can help your laptop function better and last longer than it would have lasted with your previous damaging routines.

Save your machine from the dirt

As iterated earlier, laptops are delicate and dust is very detrimental. Laptops contain parts like cooling fans and hinges that may not function properly if filled with dust. Dust can also get underneath the keys on your keyboard and reduce their response time. In addition a dirty screen can easily dampen your viewing experience, so cleaning it should be something that is done routinely.

You should always avoid using your laptop in a dirty area. This includes using your device outdoors which is usually more dusty than indoors. If, somehow, you have to use your laptop in a dusty atmosphere, make sure you give it a good cleansing afterwards. One effective way to get rid of dust from the most unreachable parts of a laptop is to use an air blower.

Shut down your laptop regularly

It is a common practice among laptop users to just put down the screen lid and put the laptop on sleep/hibernate mode. One fact you need to be aware at this moment is that this way, not all the running programs are halted. There are countless procedures that are still going on at the back end of your device and when you shut down your laptop after a long time, it takes a considerable amount of time to end all the programs and shut down the laptop.

You should make it a habit to shut down your laptop after regular intervals. This way, you can give your laptop’s processor a good amount of rest. An added benefit is that you can receive system updates when you restart your device after a full shut down.

Use a cooling pad

Modern day laptops feature effective cooling systems. However, if your device’s cooling vents are on the downside and you use it on a flat surface or on your lap, you are essentially blocking the air flow to the cooling fans. This leads to heating issues as well as reduced performance. Therefore, it is always advisable to use a cooling pad to make the most out of your laptop.

Open the lid the right way

A lot of people tend to open the lid of their laptop from one side. This practice puts unusual stress on one hinge and can make them futile in the long run, leaving you with no option but to get them repaired or get a newer frame.

One point to remember here is that a laptop’s physical integrity and strength is compromised once its frame has been opened. Therefore, make it a habit to open the lid of your device from the center and very gently.

Charge your laptop wisely

When you are up to power intensive chores like gaming or rendering, just ensure that the charger is plugged in. otherwise, you would be just putting non-essential pressure on the battery which will reduce its life and performance. However, it is not advisable to always charge your laptop while doing light tasks or when the laptop is idle. It is a fruitful practice though one may argue that laptops nowadays come pre packed with smart charging.

One extra recommendation here is that you should always use a genuine charger. You might find plenty of compatible chargers in the market for your laptop, the genuine charger being the most expensive among but it is the one best suited and most optimal for your laptop.

All the suggestions provided in this article will prove to be very handy in achieving optimal use of your laptop and increase the life of all its components and the laptop as a whole.