Peripheral devices feature image

Peripheral Devices

A peripheral device is a device that is used to either give data to a computer or get data from it. The term is used to define or classify any and all devices that are not part of a computer’s central processing unit (CPU). In layman’s terms, any device that can be plugged in or out of a CPU. Peripheral devices can be anything from sensors to keyboards to speakers to projectors to microphones to webcams to screens, the list keeps going on.

Peripheral devices can be categorized into the following categories

-Input Devices: Anything that sends data or instructions to the computer.

-Output Devices: Anything that provides data from the computer to the user.

-Input/ Output Devices: Anything that can work both as an input and output device, such as a touch screen, SSD or HDD.

Peripheral devices, nowadays, have standard connectors, most common among them are: