Ray tracing feature image

What is Ray Tracing?

Ray tracing is a rendering technique used in computer graphics to create realistic 3D images by simulating the behavior of light in a scene. It has been a staple of Hollywood special effects for decades, but only recently has become available in real-time applications, including video games. In this article, we will explain what ray tracing is, how it works, the software required to use it, and the hardware necessary to take advantage of it.

Ray tracing works by simulating the behavior of light rays as they bounce around a scene. It starts with a virtual camera, which sends out a ray of light into the scene. As the light ray hits objects in the scene, it is either absorbed or reflected, bouncing off surfaces and creating new rays of light. The new rays are then traced, continuing until they reach a light source or are absorbed by an object in the scene. The resulting image is then constructed from the color and brightness of the light rays that reach the camera.

Pros and Cons


  • Realistic Lighting: Ray tracing allows for more accurate and realistic lighting in a scene, including the behavior of light bouncing off surfaces and casting shadows.
  • Photorealistic Textures: With ray tracing, it’s possible to create more lifelike textures and surfaces, which helps to increase the realism of the overall image.
  • Reflections and Refractions: Ray tracing allows for accurate reflections and refractions of light, creating realistic mirrors, glass, and other reflective or refractive surfaces.
  • Improved Immersion: The added realism and accuracy of ray tracing helps to improve immersion and create a more engaging and convincing 3D environment.


  • Performance: Ray tracing is a computationally intensive process that requires a lot of processing power, which can be a challenge for some systems. Real-time ray tracing is especially demanding, requiring specialized hardware and software optimization to maintain high frame rates.
  • Cost: Implementing ray tracing in games or other applications can be expensive, as it requires specialized hardware and software. This can limit its accessibility and adoption, particularly for smaller developers or applications.
  • Limited Compatibility: Not all hardware and software support ray tracing, which can limit its use in certain applications or settings. This can also create compatibility issues when working with different systems.
  • Learning Curve: Using ray tracing requires specialized skills and knowledge, which can create a steep learning curve for artists and developers who are not familiar with the technology.


To take full advantage of ray tracing, users need a GPU that supports the technology. NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX series of GPUs are some of the most popular options for ray tracing in games, as they include specialized hardware called “RT Cores” that accelerate the ray tracing process. Other graphics cards, including AMD’s Radeon RX 6000 series, also support ray tracing but may not provide the same level of performance as NVIDIA’s offerings.

Some of the most popular ray tracing software packages include NVIDIA OptiX, Intel Embree, and AMD Radeon Rays. These tools allow developers to take advantage of hardware acceleration and optimize their ray tracing applications for specific graphics processing units (GPUs).


In conclusion, ray tracing is a powerful tool for creating photorealistic images and immersive gaming experiences. Its ability to simulate the behavior of light in a scene leads to more realistic shadows, reflections, and lighting, which can greatly enhance the overall look of a game or visual experience. While ray tracing requires specialized hardware and software, it has become increasingly accessible in recent years and is expected to become a standard feature of high-end graphics applications in the future.