Input lag feature image

What is Input lag?

Input lag is the time it takes the GPU to send a frame to the monitor and the monitor to display it. It is measured in milliseconds.

Input lag is an important aspect in competitive gaming as it could be the deciding factor between a victory royale and a (potentially) humiliating defeat. An input lag of 16ms or less is favored on a 60Hz screen. Input lag isn’t usually mentioned by display manufacturers (whether that is monitor or T.V.) and so a comprehensive research before committing to a screen is strongly advised.

Response time and input lag is usually mixed up by users as response time is specified by the manufacturers. Input lag and response time are two completely different measurements and are not related whatsoever.

Reducing input lag

A long input lag isn’t always your screen’s fault. The following items should be checked before deciding to change your display:

·         Ensure that your monitor is set to ‘low input lag’ or any such feature

·         Check your connection for ping (a higher ping would result in a longer input lag)

·         Ensure that your device’s batters aren’t bad or damaged

·         Avoid adapters

·         Try to use wired input devices (such as a wired keyboard rather than a wireless) in order to reduce overall input lag

·         If you are using a TV, then ensure that it is on ‘Game mode’

If you are looking for recommendations then the Acer Nitro VG271, Acer XF250Q and VIEWSONIC XG2402 are all excellent monitors that offer nearly negligible input lag time.